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Please feel free to review the following Q&A for the Proxima Emporium Banner Ad Network service.

About Ads

Q. What Ad Sizes do you offer?
A. Currently 3:

  • 120x240 Pixels
  • 728x90 Pixels
  • 300x250 Pixels

Q. Do I need to design the banner?
A. All pricing assumed client submitted art assets. You may ask us to design a banner for an additonal charge.

Q. What is the performance of the network?
A. Network performance is updated (almost) monthly via a blog entry on the home page. Current clients are welcome to inquire about performance any time.

About Sites

Q. Can I show ads on my site and get paid?
A. No. Displaying sites are limited to RLN Literary Marketing's current portfolio of product websites, as well as hosted client sites that opt into the program. In exchange for opting into the program, client sites are allowed to advertise in the network with ads designed by RLN at no additonal cost.

Q. Can I target only individual sites with my campaign?
A. 'Universe' subscribers may target individual websites with their ads. All other ads run network wide based on demand.

Q. Can I target individual zones within a website for my ad?
A. 'Universe' subscribers may target individual zones within websites for their ads. All other ads are assigned by the network admin team. 

About On Time Campaign Purchases

Q. How long does my campaign show?
A. One-Time Campaigns are purchased base don the number of impressions, see here for available options. The campaign lasts until those impressions are exausted.

Q. Can I repurchase a campaign after it expires?
A. Yes. Simply let us know when we send you the "Campaign Concluded" notification and we will rebill you for the new campaign.

About Subscriptions

Q. How are your Subscriptions billed?
A. All subscriptions are billed monthly, using PayPal as the billing service.

Q. Am I allowed to change my ads while subscribing?
A. Yes, clients may provide new assets to replace existing assets at any point in their subscription.

Q. Is there a minimum term for the subscription?
A. No, a subscriber may cancel at any time.

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