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The following sites and communications leverage the Proxima Emporium Banner Ad Network to display advertising.

This list is current as of 10/11/2023.
Certain sites may at times be unavailabl for maintanence or other activity without notice. This page provides no performance data for the network.


  • arizonabookcoalition.com
  • azpoetrypedia.com
  • boboratory.com
  • boblitmarketing.com
  • brickcavelibrary.com
  • brickcave.media
  • brucecdavis.com 
  • collarsandcurses.com
  • healerstrilogy.com
  • jagiunta.com
  • profitlogbooks.com
  • proximaemporium.com
  • shamelessbookpromotion.com
  • sharonskinner.com
  • theklute.com
  • Transcendentpowers.com

Email Communications:

ShamelessBookPromotion.com Communications:

  • Once Monthly

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