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Please use this form to place an order request for a single impression campaign order. All orders are based on impressions for the ad in question. Using the form below, please provide us the information about your order. If you have assets to submit for approval, please attach them in the form.

Once reviewed and approved by network admin staff, you will be billed for the order, via PayPal (a PayPal account is not required to pay the invoice). Once paid, your ad will be schedule and start running.

Estimated Ad Run

An updated estimated run time for ads in included in each monthly update.


All advertisiers are provided reporting via email directly from the serving software monthly. Campaign report frequency can be requested weekly via the form below.

Making the Best Ad

Use this article to assist you in designing the ad for the network.


About You

About Your Request

If you selected "A Literary Adjacent Service/Product" or "Other", please share additional information here.

Campaign Request details

Prices listed will be invoiced to you once the submitted Ad is reviewed and accepted. Information, including ad assets, but be complete for a request to be considered valid. Invalid requests will need to be resubmitted in their entirety.
Each campaign may only encompass one sized Ad. Please submit separate requests for other Ad sizes.
Drag and drop files here or Browse
Upload your ad visual content here. Image should be .jpg, .png or .gif only. Image must be in the correct dimensions of your requested ad. Images will not be modified or adjusted. If you select multiple images below, you will be asked for the additional images via email.
This can be Amazon, your own website or other location.
Fees listed.

Submit the form

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