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 About the Subscription Service

The PXE Banner Ad Subscription Service provides you with the lowest cost and greatest flexibility in advertising across the PXE Banner Ad Network. Review the benefits below and become a subscrober today!

Universal Benefits Across All Plans

Subscriber across all plans enjoy a healthy list of benefits including:

  • Login access to the BobLitmarketing Site, fo special reports, content and a forum for community and service help.
  • Higher Priority Showings. All subscribers enjoy higher priorities for their ads, ensuring that they are having their ads seen more frequently across the network.
  • Flexible adjustments. Subscribers can update their listing as they need to to keep their content and messaging fresh.
  • Specials and new features. Subscribers will get access to specials and new features as they are developed and released.
  • Subscribers can opt for weekly reporting as opposed to the standard monthly reporting.

Level Details

Learn more about the four levels here:

 Simple Campaign- $7/month

Best for: Authors promoting a single title or a single literary product.
Single Campaign is a single 120px by 240px ad.

  • Higher showing priority than any non subscription campaign
  • Unlimited monthly impressions
  • Weekly reporting (if desired)
  • Ad is shown in priority spots (position 1 or 2) on any given site in the network
Level 2 Campaign- $11/month

Best for: Authors/Advertisers looking for visual exposure in multiple ad zones (locations).
Single Campaign includes a single 120px by 240px ad and a 728px by 90px ad.

  • Higher showing priority than any non subscription campaign & Simple Campaigns
  • Unlimited monthly impressions
  • Weekly reporting (if desired)
  • Ad is shown in priority spots (position 1 or 2) on any given site in the network
  • Up to 3 images for each Ad Size can be in rotation.
Level 3- $23/month

Best for: Authors/Advertisers looking for visual exposure in all available ad zones (locations).
Up to 2 Campaigns, each including a single 120px by 240px ad, a single 728px by 90px ad. and a single 300px by 250px ad.

  • Higher showing priority than any non subscription campaign & Simple/Level 2 Campaigns
  • Unlimited monthly impressions
  • Weekly reporting (if desired)
  • Ad is shown in priority spots (position 1 or 2) on any given site in the network
  • Up to 3 images for each Ad Size can be in rotation.
Level 4- $32/month

Best for: Authors/Advertisers looking to promote multiple items across all available ad zones (locations).
Up to 5 Campaigns, each including a single 120px by 240px ad, a single 728px by 90px ad. and a single 300px by 250px ad.

  • Higher showing priority than any non subscription campaign or Subscriber Campaign
  • Unlimited monthly impressions
  • Weekly or daily reporting (if desired)
  • Ad is shown in priority spots (position 1 or 2) on any given site in the network
  • Up to 3 images for each Ad Size can be in rotation.
  • Can request Ad design by RLN Staff, up to 3 ad designs a month

Order Your Subscription Below

On submission of your request, we will email you for addiitonal information and to set up your site access.

About You

About Your Request

If you selected "A Literary Adjacent Service/Product" or "Other", please share additional information here.

Subscription Request Details

Prices listed will be billed on a monthy basis. All submitted Ads are subject to review and acceptance.
Each campaign may only encompass one sized Ad. Please submit separate requests for other Ad sizes.

Submit the form

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